题目 | 生成型人工智能在内容型语言教育中的应用:伦理与责任 Towards Ethical and Responsible Engagement of Generative AI in Content-based Language Education |
主讲人 | 练美儿(香港教育大学) |
主持人 | 朱晔(上海外国语大学) |
讲座语言 | 英语 |
时间 | 6月13日(周四)19:00~20:30 |
参与方式 |
In this presentation I respond to the growing concerns on the risks and responsibility regarding Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in education by proposing a model for ethical engagement with AI in content-based language education: The PAA Model. I discuss the theoretical foundation underpinning the development of the PAA principles and introduce the 4Ts--translanguaging, trans-semiotizing, tran-knowledging, and trans-culturing--as pedagogical lenses to guide the engagement of GenAI in transforming English medium education in an ethical, responsible manner.
Dr. Angel M. Y. Lin is Chair Professor of Language, Literacy and Social Semiotics in Education at the Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Lin has been at the forefront of English language education and critical literacies since the late 1990s when she started working on classroom research projects in schools in Hong Kong. She has published widely on second language education, discourse analysis, trans/languaging (TL), trans-semiotizing (TS), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and critical media literacies. She is the current Chair of the American Educational Research Association’s Special Interest Group (SIG), Semiotics in Education, and has been a part of the SIG’s executive board since 2020. She also started the TL-TS Research Channel on Youtube and has organized over 40 research seminars featuring both seasoned and emergent scholars in applied linguistics and education from all over the world. Dr. Lin’s leadership and mentoring has profoundly shaped the professional lives of doctoral students and emergent scholars both in Asia and Canada.